Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Cleaning LIst

I was really sick for a few days last week and NOTHING got done.  One day my whole goal of the day was to keep the kids alive until my sweet husband came home.  As you can probably guess, my house completely fell apart.  I have been obsessively trying to organize and clean everything ever since I started feeling better again.  I have been stalking organizing and cleaning sections of Pinterest all week and here is one thing I came up with.

I have seen so many cleaning schedules online and none of them really seemed to fit me.  I decided to adapt one to my own lifestyle and habits.  While it is not a complete list of everything that always needs to be done, I think it is pretty good at making sure the basics are covered. 

If you want my template so can adapt it to your own schedule, I can send you copy. 

Inspired by:

I kind of thought a girl needs a maid and no kids for this to be realistic for me.  (sweep after every meal? Not happening for me.) So grateful for the idea's though!


  1. Excellent idea! I would love a copy if the offer is still open! I love the list idea to keep on track, but not everyone has the same chores.

  2. Could you send me a copy? MrsAmyOwens@gmail.com

  3. I would really love a copy of this! Could you send one to suprmommy@gmail.com?

  4. Can u please send me a copy rejawe@gmail.com

  5. What program do you use to make this?

  6. Can you please send me a copy to rbaylo15@gmail.com? I printed off the original list but realized I don't do half the things on it nearly as often as the creator does. I'd love to tweak your list though. It was much more realistic. :) Thanks!

  7. Would love to have your template please.
    Carmen wilbcarm@gmail.com

  8. Could you please email the template to me? anitadetk@yahoo.com

    Thank you! Anita

  9. Hello: Can I have a copy of your template please? Hedel@hotmail.com
    Thank You.

  10. Hello, I am truly inspired can you please send me a copy of your template? sondrapekar@gmail.com
    Thank you

  11. Hello Natalie,
    I know it's late but can I please have the template, too?
    Many thanks

  12. Is it possible to still get this template?...nacyrae75@gmail.com..Thanks in advance

  13. I know it's been a while, was wondering if I could get the template? jenkinsrsharie@gmail.com
